Business Research Methods Book PDF Free Download – MBA Books

Business Research Methods Book PDF Free Download – MBA Books

Business Research Methods Book PDF Free Download. Business Research Methods is one of the important subject and also an important book for MBA Students. Here at AskVenkat we are providing MBA books Links for Free. These Links are gathered from Internet sources. Askvenkat doesn’t have any rights about these links. This Business Research Methods Book will useful to most of the students who were prepared for Competitive Exams like MBA Entrance Exams. This PDF book will cover most of the syllabus of Business Research Methods Book.

Contents of Business Research Methods Book

Below are the contents which you would see in Business Research Methods Textbook especially made for MBA Students.


INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH: Definition-Types of Business Research. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION: The Building Blocks of Science in Research-Deduction and Induction. THE LANGUAGE OF RESEARCH: Concepts – Constructs – Definitions – Variables – Propositions and Hypotheses – Theory and Models.


TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS RESEARCH: Information needs of Business – Technologies used in Business Research: The Internet – E-mail – Browsers and Websites – Role of Business Research in Managerial Decisions. ETHICS IN BUSINESS RESEARCH: Ethical Treatment of Participants- Informed Consent – Rights to Privacy – Confidentiality.


THE RESEARCH PROCESS: Problem Identification: Broad Problem Area-Preliminary Data Gathering. Literature Survey – Online Data Bases Useful for Business Research – Problem Definition- Theoretical Framework -Components of Theoretical Framework – Hypothesis Development – Statement of Hypothesis- Procedure for Testing of Hypothesis


THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Types of Research Designs: Exploratory, Descriptive, Experimental Designs and Case Study -Measurement of Variables- Operational Definitions and Scales- Nominal and Ordinal Scales- Rating Scales- Ranking Scales- Reliability and Validity- Content Validity – Criterion Related Validity and Construct Validity.


COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA: Sources of Data – Primary Sources of Data – Secondary Sources of Data – Data Collection Methods- Interviews: Structured Interviews and Unstructured Interviews-Face to face and Telephone Interviews.


OBSERVATIONAL SURVEYS: Questionnaire Construction: Organizing Questions-Structured and Unstructured Questionnaires – Guidelines for Construction of Questionnaires.


DATA ANALYSIS: An overview of Descriptive, Associational and Inferential- Statistical Measures.


THE RESEARCH REPORT: Research Reports-Components-The Title Page-Table of Contents-The Executive Summary-The Introductory Section-The Body of the Report-The Final Part of the Report- Acknowledgements – References-Appendix – Guidelines for Preparing a Good Research report Oral Presentation- Deciding on the Content-Visual Aids-The Presenter-The Presentation and Handling Questions.

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Important Text Books for Business Research Methods 

  1. R. Kothari, Vishwa prakashan, Research Methodology – Methods & Techniques ,New Delhi. 2008
  2. Donald R Cooper and Pamela S Schindler, Business Research Methods,9/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2009

Reference Books For Business Research Methods

  1. Uma Sekaran, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) , Research Methods for Business-A Skill Building Approach,Ltd, Singapore, 2003.
  2. William G. Zikmund, Business Research Methods, 7/e, Cengage, 2008.
  3. Wilkinson & Bhandarkar, Methodology and Techniques of Social Science Research, Himalaya Publishing House.
  4. Speegal, M.R., An Introduction to Management for Business Analysis, McGraw Hill.
  5. Michael, V.P., Research Methodology in Management, Himalaya Publhsing House.
  6. Dipak Kumar. Bhattacharya, Research Methodology, Excel Books, 2006

Check the above links to download Business Research Methods in Pdf Format.

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